Friday, March 31, 2017

Failing Infrastructures

Failing infrastructures

Over the past couple decades or so it seems that politicians have made a big deal of re-amping up america's infrastructure, but with little to no real life action amongst those words spouted seemingly by our elected officials.  Everyday it becomes more and more apparent that the infrastructure that is holding up this country is cracking and has been cracking for the past couple of decades. The roads, bridges, interstates, and other vital traffic ways need to be addressed at the very least as they have not been worked on in the way they need to in decades. The longer people and politicians wait to tackle this growing problem the more it will cost everyone at the end of the day. Our politicians need to step up funding over the next decades to fix our infrastructure or soon America will fall behind the rest of the civilized world once again. If we don’t see action soon you can expect to find more stories of roadways and other vital infrastructure failing.

You would think that a president elected with this failing infrastructure would at least make a plan to solve this problem or at the least make a statement regarding it. Well you would think right as the current president Donald Trump has made plans to “fix this country's failing infrastructure.” Then again you wouldn't be 100% right as Presidents Trump’s “grand plan” for the infrastructure re-amping is to build a wall on the border of the United States and Mexico. Instead of focusing on collapsing bridges the Trump administration and a good portion of congress want to alienate one of our oldest allies and trading partners. The most questionable part of this whole transaction is that a good amount of funding will be pulled from gov’t funding. Funding that helps people become more educated and better off versed in the arts.

While I applaud the Trump administration for at the very least admitting that there is a problem that the majority of the world is aware of, I am strongly confused and disappointed in the direction this administration has taken in “fixing “ the country's infrastructure. Reallocating funds from the arts and building symbolic wall for the rest of the world to see isn’t what we as country need or really even want. The whole of Government needs to stop trying to push agendas on the people and needs to start fixing its own problems already set in place with the biggest being the infrastructure.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

Euthanasia Advocates Seek to Stop Gorsuch

In this article titled “Euthanasia Advocates Seek to Stop Gorsuch” Wesley J. Smith the author tries to convey his feeling that U.S. Supreme Court Justice nominee Neil M. Gorsuch shouldn't lose his credibility and support for his seat on the supreme court because of his beliefs on assisted suicide. Smith's audience here starts off very general and broad trying to convince others of how great this nominee is, but towards the end he begins to shoot down so proclaimed liberal remarks about assisted suicide which leads me to believe that his audience is maybe somewhat on the conservative side. After looking through Wesley J. Smith’s other articles I have come to the conclusion that he is indeed an experienced author relating to the euthanasia aspect as he has written previous articles on this subject on other accredited websites about this nominee and about euthanasia. 

Looking at the body of the article we see the author state 4 main points on why we should trust this nominee. The points established here in the body to me feels like they range too far and wide which takes away the focus of the reader. At one point Smith states that “I don’t believe Judge Gorsuch would impose his personal views on the law.  Unlike liberal judges, he doesn’t believe in conflating his own policy preferences with Constitutional jurisprudence.” This random bash on liberals just honestly seems random and out of the blue which in turns makes you questions the author's credibility as a whole and makes you wonder what he is really thinking about and how that translates to his writing.

In the end I have to say that the article is decent and somewhat thought provoking as it makes you question a very controversial and pondering subject. The arguments made for Neil M. Gorsuch by Wesley J. Smith though are weak and largely unfounded in my eyes and only exist to pander to ignorant and those already well versed in his rhetoric.