Friday, May 12, 2017

Comments on the Department of Justice: Paige Ramirez's blog

Recently I was going through my peers blogs when I happen to come across a certain blog Titled "Justice Department not so justice."  The article was written not to long ago by Paige Ramirez and go somewhat in to depth about how the Justice Department of the United States has many flaws in its system. In addition, the blog post then goes in to talk about how even some of the members of this department are themselves corrupt and go against what there agency is suppose to protect and represent in the United States of America. After reading similar articles on the corruption and so called forth cases and trying to verse my self on the department I have came to the conclusion that this blog is accurate in its criticisms. In addition I found the call to action in the conclusion of the blog to be very forth coming which is great and encourages the reader to take some form of action to help and better themselves those around them.In addition, the blog going in to detail about a certain and specific case helps make the blog seems legitimate and well crafted while it also helps make the blog more relatable to others who read it as a real world example always stands out and grabs peoples attention.  All in all, the blog is a nice call to action that I find to be lacking from others in this country and other countries and this helps those people to stop sitting around and go out and make their voice heard.

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